Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chapter 3.

1. Soviet Union crashed
2. The end for the Cold war was the end for the Soviet Union.
3. Wilsons 14 points
I. The Abolition of Secret Treaties Secret treaties were common before the First World War, and many blamed them for helping spark the conflict.
II. The Freedom of the Seas The freedom of the seas allowed for freedom of navigation outside territorial waters at times of war and peace, but also allowed for total and partial blockades "for the enforcement of international covenants." This proposal was opposed in particular by the United Kingdom.
III. Free Trade Free trade provided for the removal of economic barriers between peaceful nations, also called for the introduction of equality in trading conditions.
IV. Disarmament Disarmament "to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety."
V. Adjustment of Colonial Claims. Wilson called for decolonization and national self-determination for formerly colonized countries, and for the people of the world to give equal weight to the opinions of the colonized peoples as to those of the colonial powers.
Points six through thirteen were more specific, dealing with the situation of specific countries:
VI. Russia In the aftermath of the October Revolution and the context of the ongoing Civil War, Russia was to be assured its independent development. This also called for a withdrawal from occupied Russian territory.
VII. The restoration of Belgium Belgium to be evacuated and restored to the status quo ante bellum.
VIII. Alsace-Lorraine France had lost Alsace-Lorraine to Germany following the 1870-71 Franco-Prussian War; it was to be returned.
IX. Italy The borders of Italy were to be redrawn on lines of nationality. Ignoring the territorial promises made under the secret 1915 London Pact, whereby Italy was persuaded to enter the war on the Allies' side, this became a source of resentment in that country.
X. Austria-Hungary Autonomous development of the peoples of Austria-Hungary.
XI. Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, and other Balkan states The integrity of Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, and other Balkan states was to be respected, their territories deoccupied, and Serbia was to be given access to the Adriatic Sea.
XII. Ottoman Empire Sovereignty for the Turkish portion of the Ottoman Empire, autonomous development for other nationalities, and free navigation of the Dardanelles.
XIII. The Polish question The establishment of an independent Poland with access to the sea.
XIV. A general association of nations Point 14 called for a multilateral international association of nations to enforce the peace, foreshadowing the League of Nations (and, after the Second World War, the United Nations).
No one wants to listen to him.
Aggression in Manchuria, United States isn’t helping them

Pearl Harbor.
Hitler then declares war on the US, four days after the bombing.
Stalin is purging anyone who is against him.
Russia learns to control everyone with fear, its working.
America is trying to show everyone that communism is bad.
- Trying to spread capitalism.
- United States is hope unlike U.S.S.R.
No one can take the communism from Stalin, he kills anyone who tries.
Khrushchev is trying to separate Stalin from communism.
- Wants U.S.S.R to take responsibility for their mistakes
- Problems occur riots.
- Hungarian sets a rebellion against Soviet Union.
- They want things to change.
Mao is communist, but has a very different system than Stalin.
MaoĆ  Great Leap forward, but it fails.
Many mistakes made by the communist.
1956- Berlin wall.
Capitalism is starting to look better to people.
- They don’t want to fight.
- They are trying to fix mistakes.
- Helping Germany with unemployment.

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