Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gorbachev: Part I

Who was Gorbachev and what were his aims?

Who? He was born in 1931. Gorbachev was the leader of the Soviet Union (USSR) from 1985 until its collapse in December of 1991.He was part of the Communist Party. Once he was the head of state in 1988, launched programs, dubbed glasnost ("openness") and perestroika ("restructuring"), that were supposed to make the state more efficient and less corrupt, but resulted in public discontent and nationalistic urges among the Soviet Union's satellite republics. He was the prime minister of the Soviet Union and helped to establish better relations with the United States.

Aims: - He wanted to end the Cold War.

- He wanted to improve the run-down Soviet economy by using his reforms perestroika and glasnost, in doing that, he believed in allowing more freedom to the common man.

- Pull the Red Army out of the Afghanistan.

- Save communism.

Perestroika-was economic, political and social restructuring. Gorbachev aims to reduce central governments power over the economy. He wanted to change Soviet Unions command economy into market economy and allowed the individuals to make their own decisions on the market. He also aimed to reduce spending on military wise and spent on other aspects such as basic necessities.

Glasnost - means political openness. He allowed media to report on the problems of Soviet Union and legalized banned films. He aimed to loosen the control the central government had over the people and media. He encouraged the civilians to speak out and provide him with ideas on how to govern the country.

Describe Gorbachev’s main policies of Glasnost and Perestroika and what were the consequences of these policies for the Soviet Union?

- Because people head so much freedom, there were a lot of new problems in the Soviet Union.

o A lot more strikes on freedom, speech and religion.

o Growing crime rates.

- In 1991 coup d’tat was launched --> this was to prevent the signing of a new union treaty and to restore the power and authority of the party.

- Glasnost resulted in the communist party loosing the grip on the media.

o As a result: Long-denied problems such as poor housing, food shortages, alcoholism, widespread pollution, creeping mortality rates and the second-rate position of women were now receiving increased attention.

o Glasnost enabled increased contact between Soviet citizens and the western world, particularly with the USA. Restrictions on travel were loosened, allowing increased business and cultural contact.

o During the late 1980s, as glasnost and perestroika led to the liquidation of the Soviet empire.

What were the consequences of Gorbachev’s policies for Eastern European reform movements?

o Poland/Solidarity union movement

o Czechoslovakia/ the Velvet Revolution

o Fall of the Berlin Wall

- In August 1980 unemployed Polish electrician announced the birth of Solidarity Union Movement.

- 17,000 workers seized control of the Lenin Shipyard Gdansk.

- Their leader Lech Walesa was the leader.

- Soon 20 other area factories joined.

- Poland had to agree to their demands which were:

o The right to organize freely and to strike.

o Better wages

o Benefits

- People begin to think that Communism could be reformed.

- Over the next 15 months union’s membership grew from 9 million to 1 quarter of the country’s population.

- 1981 Polish Prime minister outlaws Solidarity.

o Arrests a lot of the members including Walesa

- Solidarity still worked underground and were funded by the US as well as Pope John II.

- 1989 Solidarity is officially recognized with a 400 page agreement.

- It formed the first non-communist government in the Soviet Union.

Velvet Revolution 1989

It was a revolution in Czechoslovakia which led to the overthrow of the Communist Government which had ruled the nation for 40 years.

- November 1989 police shut down a peaceful student demonstration in Prague.

- Students and other workers began to strike across Czechoslovakia, and began to meet with the government officials in hopes to reach an agreement that would satisfy all parties.

- 1989 General Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia is replaced.

- The president resigns.

- It becomes obvious that the Velvet Revolution was successful in changing the government.

- This ended the strikes and the demonstrations.

- Three years later the nation is split in 2. Slovakia and Czech Republic.

Fall of the Berlin Wall (1961)

Berlin Wall was a barrier that surrounded West Berlin, cutting it off from Eas Berlin and surrounding parts of East Germany. Was built by the Communist government in 1961 to prevent people fleeing to the West, and fell in 1989.

- After WWII Germany was occupied by four powers:

o Russia

o France

o Britain

o United States

- Berlin is Germany’s main sector, but was split into 4.

- Became conflict between the East and the West.

- Russia becomes worried about the freedom, economic growth and integrations in the Western Germany.

- 1949-1961 2.7 million East Germans flee to Western Germany.

- 1961 barriers went up around the whole West Berlin.

- 96 miles long.

- This wall divided the city in 2, cutting people off from their jobs and families.

- Around 200 people were killed trying to cross.

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