Chapter 5 Notes:
- United Nations are established.
- Encouraged for countries to join and maintain peace between each other.
- However there are problems with the UN, because there were many powerful leaders.
- Each wanted their own way.
- US believed they were going to win the Cold War, but that was not so.
- President’s lies are exposed. Such as the U-2 planes.
- Even though the presidents lied, people still like them.
- CIA breaks the law, so a new group is formed to keep an eye on the CIA.
- Vietnam War kills a lot of Americans, and they had no safe place to go to.
- Pinochet comes to power, but he is a mean dictator.
- Détente is created to lower nuclear risk.
- USSR makes a fine for the immigrants that want to leave the country.
- Nixon makes bad decisions for his country.
- Nixon decided it would be for the best to make Cold war happen on his ground, but that was a bad move.
- Watergate weakens Nixon, his authority begins to crumble.
- Wars Power Act is a 60 day limit on future military deployments without the consent of Congress.
- Nixon vetoes, but it does not work.
- He bombs Cambodia.
- 1974 Nixon resigns.
- Brezhnev Doctrine, He wants to control everything.
- Tightens the rules on the media and arts.
- Helsinki is the conference on Security and cooperation’s in Europe. Signed in 1975.
- USA Ford and Kissinger were accused for abandoning the human rights.
- Havel went to jail.
- Pope came to Poland which was his homeland.
Chapter 4:
- Khrushchev makes many mistakes.
- There is a domino affect, if one country accepts communism, other countries will follow.
- US is worried that countries will become communist.
- A lot of countries try to stay neutral throughout the Cold War.
- Nasser chooses to be neither communist nor capitalist. Uses the situation to his advantage.
- Korea splits in 2.
- USSR supports North Korea, US supports South Korea.
- Kennedy and Diem are assassinated.
- Johnson is afraid to go to war because of fear.
- Germany is still divided; no one knows how to find peace in Germany.
- Ulbricht wants to build a wall, but does not tell USSR about his decision.
- USA takes a lot away from France; France begins to question their actions.
- There are a lot of wars happening at home.
- Baby Boom- there are a lot more educated people.
- Martin Luther King Jr is assassinated with Kennedy.
- China has a Cultural Revolution on their hands.
- Soviet Union’s and Chinese relations get bad.
- US wants to start working with the Chinese government.
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